The Rideaway into Hemingford Abbots in March–my favorite country road
They say March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. On the 1st day of March every year, I am done with winter. The village lanes and riverbanks of the English countryside are spilling over with butter yellow daffodils and I am ready to welcome spring with open arms. I splash bouquets of them around my house and inhale their fresh fragrance in eager anticipation of what they promise–a return of the sun, warmth, and light.
Then, the bad news. March is an unruly bear (not a lion) because spring sticks it’s neck out, growls, and goes back into hibernation. It is gray and wet and howling. Temperatures plunge. Pellets of ice rain down on me. The hope and joy of spring quickly fades.
But bad news doesn’t win. The daffodils reassure me of that. Just hold on, be patient, and Spring will come. Life always wins. The bleakest winter can’t stop this renewable cycle of life. Out of death and decay come green shoots. It’s not always easy to hold on to that image, though. This past week has been nothing but bad news and not just the unsettled English weather. One dear friend discovered she has cancer and another lost her father. On the day I was due to fly to the States, I got stuck on the M25 and missed my flight. And then there was Brussels. Will the bad news of evil men never end?
Today is Good Friday, a day when other evil men killed an innocent man called Jesus. There was terrible darkness in the world that day. But bad news doesn’t win. Good Friday is good because of what Jesus did for us. The Good News is death is swallowed up in victory. He died for our sins and rose again so that we might have life and have it abundantly. He came in like a lamb led to the slaughter , but He goes out the Lion of Judah. Bad news may overwhelm for a time, but I will choose to say, He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!
Amen! He is Risen indeed!
How can anyone walk past those daffodils and not smile themselves silly? But more than that, how can anyone encounter Jesus and not be totally amazed that he would stoop down to our level and identify himself as one of us, then take all of the blame for all of the horrible stuff we’ve done, do and will do, and promise us eternity with him? So thankful.
Whether it is good news or bad news depends on which side of the cross you are on – but, good weather with blossoms is always good news.
Thank you, my mamma!